Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Wednesday — Propellers

Anniversary Month -- Day 11

Straightening Our Propellers:
My dictionary claims “a propeller is device consisting of a hub fitted with blades that is made to turn rapidly by an engine and is used especially for propelling airplanes and ships." Here at Funville a propeller is a device that has no engine but the wind; the propeller's sole purpose is to entertain.

Tuesday I had put more propellers in our top fence. This morning I could see that one had slid into the fence and could not turn. Shucks! Middle of this morning I realized Mr. Fun was up at the top patio so I quietly walked up the path to surprise him.

He said, "Come sit with me." And then he explained that the blades on one of the propellers was crooked and he fixed it and he had pulled it up out of the fence so it could spin, but he said, “It is still slightly lopsided." We both laughed at how silly that was.

The whole day was like that -- silly and light-hearted, which just felt wonderful. And Day 11 did not disappoint as we moved forward thru a month of fun — living and reflecting.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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