River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Berries for Blackbirds

Beautiful weather all day, warm at 15°C with no wind by the time I was gardening between 11am and 1pm.
MrD had gone on the motorbike to Aberaeron, he’d enjoyed the journey this morning but it was very busy as he was on his way home.
I started cutting back all the winter growth in my long deep bed near the greenhouse in readiness for planting this year’s vegetables. Some of the plants are composted, comfrey especially - but a lot went into the green bin.
The Blackbirds are currently eating Mahonia berries (also called Oregon grape) there are lots of fruit this year, the overwintering bees were busy pollinating the flowers during the winter months. The insects have been busy pollinating the black currants and gooseberries too, these are the red gooseberries but it’ll be a good few weeks before they are ripe enough to eat.
Hope you’re having a relaxing Saturday, enjoy “Eurovision” if you’re watching it! :-)) XXXX XXX XX
ADDED LATER: hedgehog in the garden same place as yesterday and a couple of bats …
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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