Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Storms coming.

Bank holiday for Mr S (but kids at school). He managed to entertain himself with his OU course materials (although I think he did this deliberately to avoid my list of chores!)

Last exam for No 1 - and she wasn't impressed with the Physics paper.

No 2 had 'teacher issues' at school. Think they both got out the wrong side of the bed.

No 3 had her swimming lesson and managed to beat all the other boys in her class (she's a BIT competitive .... don't know who she got that from).

I escaped to the reservoir - but it was windy and drizzly and all my possible blips looked grey. I lost my blip mojo!

On the way home from our photography class I spotted the skyline. I felt like a storm chaser - driving up country roads to find the best place.

Bit overexposed in places - but it was difficult to get it right as the sky was bright and the land was dark (9.30 pm). I need to dabble in Lightroom to sort this out at some point.

Busy day tomorrow - dance exams start. Night Night!

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