Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Mother Swan with cygnet in wings.

The Feast Day of St. Ivo and St. Peter Celestine.
This morning is suddenly overcast and much colder, but the forecast shows the hope of sunshine as the day progresses. It is currently 11c. The visibility is so low I could not see the 12 wind turbines on the horizon of Oswaldtwistle Moors in the distance, when I went out to buy our newspaper.
A quick visit to the canal site showed this sweet cygnet nestling in the mother swan's wings to keep warm and a little cygnet alongside her. She was sitting on the other ones.
There were several narrowboats moored up this morning.
We aim to do more de cluttering of books and long stored photo albums.
It is a vast task.
Have a good day and thank you for visiting my site today blip friends.

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