
A Helianthemum or Rock Rose, raised from seed I collected in my Norfolk Garden back in 2019.  I had a very compact form of Helianthemum alpestre, the Alpine Rock Rose and hoped to bring it with me in the form of seed.  However, that plant has bright golden yellow flowers.  As I also grew the white flowered Helianthemum appeninum I suspect this is a hybrid.  Its a pretty thing but rock roses don't do as well in coastal Wales as they did inland in Norfolk although this one seems to have established after a very slow start.

A very full day (again.)  I woke early, got myself a drink and fed Meg before returning to bed for a 'little snooze.'  Two hours later I was awoken by the phone ringing!   I was only half an hour late picking up a friend to go to pottery, all was not lost!   A couple of hours spent carefully applying thirteen colours to a rainbow bowl, there's more to do yet but it's looking good.  After a quick lunch, a trip to Dolgellau where Jamie had an appointment.  The car was my office for a catch up on emails and messages.   Home to cook a lasagne for tea - thankfully I had bolognaise in the freezer and managed to get it made and cooked in under an hour.  While it was in the oven I planted up two hanging baskets with plants I bought on my travels at the weekend.   I took the food round to eat at Jamie's before singing which happens upstairs in the working men's club just around the corner from his place.   A good sing but the tiredness that had been chasing me all day caught up in the end.  

Time for bed!

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