
Still full from last nights curry Josh and I opted for a “coffee only” breakfast before heading off to Poole. We allowed two hours for the ninety minute journey but still only made it with ten minutes to spare.
A beautiful sunny day at the RNLI College, we were met and received a blue sticker to denote which group we were in, coffee and biscuits in the reception and then the presentation began.
The Whitby Lifeboat is a Shannon Class lifeboat, number 13-49, denoting that she is 13 metres long and the 49th of her class. The guides thanked all those present for remembering their loved ones by having their names placed on the lifeboat, at this point Josh laughingly pointed out that I was still here amongst the living.
We toured the boat, stem to stern, chatted to some of the Whitby Crew that were there for the weekend, all the while I felt very humbled that Josh and Tiana had given me this as a Christmas gift, wonderful.
Josh had booked a table in the restaurant, ‘Riggers’ for lunch, cottage pie for me and a beer.
A walk around the shop to purchase a Whitby Lifeboat pin badge and other bits and pieces I didn’t know I needed.
The drive back to East Wittering was uneventful and we joined up with Mark for a battered sausage & chips from the chippy, eaten in the evening sunshine on the beach looking out over The Solent towards the Isle of Wight. A couple of beers at the Shore Inn before walking home, a coffee, and bed.

A long but happy day.

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