Visitors' Book

Today's the day .....................  for a special gift

I may have told you before that one of the things that we did during Lockdown back in 2020, was to research into the history of the house that we now live in?  Well today, we were given something very special which has an important connection with it.

It is a Visitors' Book that has a record of all the guests, family and friends that stayed here from 1932 - 1955, when the house was owned by Aileen Drennan.  We know quite a lot about Aileen - and her sister Margaret, because we have now made the acquaintance of some of her descendants.  The above is the first page in the book and if you look down to near the bottom, you can see that Margaret and her husband Colin R Montgomery were guests here from May 29th - June 1st 1933.  Incidentally, Colin was the brother of Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery otherwise known as 'Monty' (of Alamein).

The Visitors' Book makes it all come to life - and we are so pleased and delighted to have it here again ....................  


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