Coal tit

Today's the day ....................... to leave home

We've been watching a pair of coal tits who decided to set up home in a gap in the wall of our barn.  While this doesn't say much for the state of the barn wall?! - it has provided us with huge enjoyment as we've watched them take in nest material, hatched eggs and lately, busy themselves with finding enough food to feed a hungry brood.

They've done a great job though and today, at least one of the fledglings decided that it was time to leave home.  Or, at least, that was the theory.  When it came to the practice, he/she began to have second thoughts.  It perched unsteadily on an empty hanging-basket just below the hole in the wall, and looked up longingly (see extra).  It was trying to work out how it could get back up there and return to the safely of the nest.  There were a few attempts at a fly-past, but it never actually made it.  Meanwhile one of the parents, with a beakful of food, was beside itself with worry, perched on a gate not far away. 

Eventually it was all resolved by the young one and parent flying off into the garden somewhere.  I imagine there would probably be that 'now you're off into the big wide worldconversation - and then the little one would fly off into the sunset and start a new life ......................   

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