Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

While my troubles still continue, I try to occupy myself with creative challenges and things...
At one point today, I thought I might get help tomorrow, but realise that the information about the bank office was old. I called the customer service and got non the wiser, because the only thing he could tell me was : I don't know. And he was talking while I tried to explain what I needed help with. When he got quiet I told him 'no' to his question and said if I can tell you what I need help with? He said yes and was quiet, and then said he couldn't help me, he didn't know. Didn't matter that I said it was urgent. He didn't care. Such a different story from when I called the bus company customer service yesterday. She couldn't help me either, but called me back after checking things and got my mind at ease. At least my bus card won't be cancelled this week... 
So, I'm going to pay the Bank office in town a visit on Monday, to see if I can get help there with the papers I need. 

I've replanted some little ones and they're outside now in the greenhouse I have. Two cucumbers, three sweet peppers and some strawberry plants from the seeds I took from bought strawberries. Still have some seedlings that needs to grow a bit more before I can replant them. Then I need to replant some of the flowers and tomatoes, but that'll have to wait until I have done what needs to be done
Yesterday I cooked some red onion skins together with a fabric book. The book is now drying after 'stewing' over night. Strangely it didn't get the colour that red onions usually give: blue-green spectra. Perhaps there's a treatment that hinders the colour to seep in, who knows. Today I diluted the water from the red onion skins with more water, and now a bunch of papers are in there. They will be there during the night and tomorrow I'll remove them to dry. 

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