Not My Dog

I'm not a dog person, but I'm not going to complain if a random dog decides to photo bomb my image. I was just thinking I hadn't done the church from this viewpoint for a while, but the foreground looked a bit empty. I tried including some buttercups and cow parsley, but it wasn't really working. The dog is OK though.

As it happens I've downloaded the latest beta Photoshop with AI Generative Fill. I could have added a dog, or sheep, or a puffin .... I watched a video presentation on it yesterday. Quite scary really what you can do. Along with the new remove tool it has done a good job on removing unwanted bits from a couple of my recent 'wedding' images. I feel it is OK taking stuff out, but adding items that you haven't taken yourself is going way too far for me. OK, I know I added a rainbow sky to an image recently, but that was a bit of fun. How are judges going to know what is yours and what is just a bit of AI?

One year ago:
Nearly No Mow May
We are doing new grow May this year. The bits that the gardener reseeded are just starting to bear fruit, well grass I mean.

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