Whit Sunday: Ballyvourney

Another interesting day as we went off to the Gaeltacht to attend a book launch. Ballyvourney is an Irish speaking area near the Kerry border, home to St Gobnait who you may have come across once or twice in this journal! Well Con has written a book about her journey from one of the Aran Islands to Ballyvourney, meandering through Munster in search of nine white deer - when she saw them she knew she had arrived at the place  of her resurrection ie where she would die.  As you may recall I have done a similar journey myself and recorded it on my blog. She also gets a chapter in forth-coming book. Con and I have been in correspondence and he has used a couple of my photos. Anyway the launch was packed - as Himself note, he was shifting a good amount of copies - not only that but the main launchees were Bishop William (who made an excellent speech, blessed the book and restored my faith in bishops - I had a bad experience with one about 10 years ago! Not that kind of experience. ) and Councillor Gobnait! I have my own copy and can't wait to get stuck in - it looks very good. We checked the details: self -published too; yes, he has a grant; aha local printer; okay same amount of pages - yes, not bad!

Whilst there we of course paid our respects to St Gobnait, visited the well and did the round. A service was going on by the statue and my eye was caught by the variety of mini shrines tucked into the walls, and a rather funky new age angel.

Ceridwen recommended a film to me yesterday and we watched it last night - I am re-recommending Lunana: a yak in the classroom beautifully done and it will leave you with many thoughts. 

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