Day off 3 (Day 2939)

The usual start to a Sunday morning, a wander with Sigyn then a trip to town to do the weekly shop. Back home to unload, then I loaded the truck with stuff that has been waiting to go to the dump for a while, and I headed to Stromness. I got rid of the rubbish then got along to the horses. When I had finished sticking out more hay, I got George out a ride.
He had a fairly major spook at a truck with a whole lot of plastic pipe sticking up over the roof, but I had anticipated that he was going to react and the driver paid attention to me signalling him to stop. I turned George around and got him off the road where he felt safe from the monster. Nothing spooked him on our way through Stromness (extra) and he enjoyed himself snuffling tourists who got close enough. He didn't react at all when two fighter jets roared overhead, as he was more concerned about towels flapping around at the campsite.
He thought a trip to the beach was a great idea and after a bit of a canter, some wheelies and a splash around in the sea he stood still long enough to get a quick snap.
Home for lunch, then off our for a wander with Sigyn on the hills above Lyde for a bit of a change.
A brief stop at home and then out to C's to remove a loo and basin so she can get on with removing her floor tiles. After a good blether I headed back across to the horses to dish out hay and scratches.
Extras of Red enjoying a scratch so much his neck broke and beeps hoping the phone was something edible.
Updates from my beautiful wife suggest that the course is going very well.

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