
It’s so hot today that I’ve had to remove an outer layer of clothing and take regular breaks from the heat outside to sit inside. You can see I’m easily impressed as 20° is not what one might think of terrible heat but after 6 months of temperatures in single figures it does feel that we have a heat wave on our hands at last.

As from today just 10 days before the trams start running from the airport to Leith, the powers that be have discarded and changed routes in some buses to the fury of the people affected. There has been no discussion or debate with the punters, just a fait accompli. Strangely the #41 bus popular with tourists accessing the castle , the Libraries and the museum which travelled via the Mound to Princes Street  s rerouted as is the #47 which I used to take to partyland at the WGH. As for my #45 taking me to the beach and students to Queen Margaret Uni, it appears to stop before it gets to Porty.
Far from encouraging bus travel, we are having a far more difficult time…. but I digress and so w ith nothing much on the blip front here are the Geums in the planters bordering the entry drive to Quartermile.

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