An extravagant wall ...

... rampant with wildflowers: sheep's bit scabious (blue), mouse ear hawkweed (yellow), foxglove (pink), St Patrick's Cabbage (London Pride, pinky white), sorrel (red) and random grasses.  What a sight. Yes another glorious day and very warm. We decided to hit Bantry and have a doss around the market - the first of the month is a fair day and, weather permitting, always busy. It took a me a good half an hour to even get to the market I bumped into so many people I knew. Very sociable and everyone in excellent spirits. And there were swifts - loads of them soaring and chattering. Apparently they're nesting in the church tower. 

Later we went for a swim and now it's clouded over and feels almost like rain, which would be welcome. There's going to be a water shortage soon. 

Thanks you daveS for this suggestion: You Belong

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