Dog lessons

Three productive meetings today. 

One was truly sobering and not for blip, glad I could contribute, but it'll take some processing. 

Another was a small win for Wellness Walks, but it had a sense of possibly leading to other things. 

And the last was signing off on the latest tech upgrades to the website which will go live over the weekend, soon the volunteers will be able to load up their own walks and have a  discussion forum for peer to peer support.

In between I challenged (& won) a penalty for exceeding the time limit on an AV assignment: reference slides don't form part of the qualifying time limit, the marker hadn't checked thst I left them on screen (for the markers convenience!) for 30seconds.
I also opened my current studies, said "nope" and watered the garden.

In less good I ransacked the house looking for a thing that was exactly where it should be, but I simply hadn't seen.

Fortunately I also had the sense to intersperse my day with lots of playing with Missy,  lots of ball, some hunting for biscuits and best of all a visit to the beck. 

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