Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My chore today was to do weeding together with the others outside. Warm day, especially in direct sunlight. I didn't feel well, still, but I didn't tell anyone of the bosses. I need to solve my feet problem, since I can't stand for longer times without them killing me... and now I think I know what kind of problem I have. There's even a name for it, and also solutions. Both my toes next to the 'big toe' is bent and kind of non moving in the first joint. That, apparently is what's cause pain underneath my feet. Some kind of nerve thing going on. I've ordered two different protections to see which one is the best. Hopefully both are... The ones I have now is curly silicone and slides... and when the slide, they create edges that hurt. Since my bus soon stops running for two months, I need to solve this so I can walk.
The chore for today was weeding, but I didn't want to bore you with that photo work photo. Instead I'm blipping this little beauty that flew infront of me for a little while, on my way to work, before setting down on that leaf. It stayed still despite me taking some photos of it. It has really beautiful wings, too.
Today was extra nice to ride the bus all the way home, not having any errands to make on the way. 

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