
Around the time Abi was born, we took the rogue decision to get a couple of cats. I honestly don't know what we were thinking.

Anyway, we named the boy Tux (after the Linux penguin), and Charlie called the girl Flea, after the bassist from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

I think both cats had very happy lives, mixing domestic pampering with wide-ranging adventures across the fields just over the road.

As they reached old age, we had to put Tux on meds, which he took stoically, but, in the end, he took himself off, as cats sometimes do.

Up until then, he'd always been the more affectionate of the two, but Flea seemed to move into that role a bit more once he'd gone.

Flea was diagnosed with kidney problems a few months ago but wouldn't eat the special food, nor undergo the indignity of being given meds, but she soldiered on.

As per my post a couple of weeks ago, she eventually gave up the ghost after just one bad day. It was, I think, a good life and a good innings.

When we got home from Glasgow this morning, Charlie and Abi were already at the house and the three of us went along to the garden centre to buy commemorative bushes for both Tux and Flea. Today's Blip shows Charlie planting the one for Flea.

And in the evening, we went down to Salford and Hannah hosted 'Jubiflea': a little wake for Flea. Milly was also there, so we had a nice little party. My toast to Flea: "She was a great gal and I'll miss her".

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