Mix review

I went into the office this morning with the Minx, did my various financial and admin chores, and then walked back to the studio (which is when I took today's photo).

First, I had a two-hour DJing lesson with James, as I have finally succumbed to a friend's request that I do a DJ set at her wedding.

And after that, Yoss came in for a review of the mixes I've done for my album, which is a precursor to him doing the mastering.

He'd said to allow a couple of hours, but in the end we were in there until six o'clock! I was quietly delighted when he said that it was very good* and that he'd enjoyed listening to it.

So, just a few tweaks to make and one vocal to do, and then it's on to the mastering!

*Just to set expectations... I don't think it's objectively "very good". Yoss was my tutor at SEM and, like a good teacher, he's praising me for my achievement at the stage where I am now.

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