
By sharon143

Usual grey morning so did some inside chores and admin. Decided that I didn’t need two garden tables so advertised one on Facebook. Got rid of it very quickly! Went into the station to sort out my ticket for Edinburgh in August. Long story, but it had got very messy online and via webchat but was surprisingly easy f2f. Did a couple of hours gardening and then decided to load up the car with some pavers and attached concrete that I’d taken up last year and just stacked behind the shed. Got to the tip to discover that all the rubble skips were full and they weren’t accepting any more until tomorrow. Grrr!
Got home and heard from Dad. He has had really bad backache for two weeks. Its been controlled with cocodamol, but comes back a day or so after he stops taking them. We persuaded him to go to see the GP who diagnosed shingles. Apparently he has a rash, which he wasn’t aware of, following the path of one of his major nerves. He was given stronger painkillers which should sort him out until it goes away. I was getting worried about him so its a relief to know what it is and hopefully get it under control.
No photos so here are some of the gorgeous peonies from yesterday

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