Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Museum of London Docklands

Rubbish shot, I didn't get any decent pictures today. We were in the flat most of the day, while I did some chores and spent at least an hour expressing milk for Conor. He was asleep and Orla and I used the time to read stories, so it wasn't all bad. Later in the afternoon we headed to Canary Wharf via the playground and visited the museum. There was a man doing a hands-on talk about things found in the river (mainly bits of Roman pottery). Only Orla and one other little girl were there. She was about 8 though and had done the Romans at school, so she had a distinct advantage. Orla liked the model of old London Bridge, but she wasn't too keen on other bits of the museum with the various reconstructions. She said they were scary. We rounded off our visit with a trip to the cafe (of course) and a wee play in the children's area. Unfortunately she was too tall to go into the soft play, but she had a go at everything else.

We tried Conor with the bottle of expressed milk. At first he completely refused it and got himself into a state, so I put it away and fed him myself. Then once he was calm, I tried again just stroking his lip with the bottle teat. Eventually he became receptive to putting it in his mouth and he tried to suck, but he did it the way he does on the breast so he kept pushing the teat out with his tongue and didn't actually get any milk. Still, it's progress and we'll keep persevering. I don't have any intentions of stopping breastfeeding, but we just want to make sure that if I'm not around for whatever reason, he can and will eat.

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