Best Meal Of The Day

Mrs S and I are partial to breakfast, favourite meal of the day, so we were up early, not too early but early enough for a Saturday.
We headed off to Connor Downs to the Redruth & Camborne Veterans Breakfast Club Meeting for breakfast.
Always good to catch up with friends and “chew the fat” over what’s up and coming. National Armed Forces Day 23 in Falmouth three weeks today was the main topic of conversation with a general feeling that the Military will put on a good weekend despite Cornwall Councils best efforts. Most Veterans will turn out on the day to show support for the Military but it’s hard to drum up enthusiasm for the ‘side shows’.
Home at midday so that following a chat over a hot drink Mrs S could sleep before night shift.

For me it was ‘fish tank day’ 90% of the water was change along with 90% of the ceramic ‘gravel’, a new air stone and filter along with a new plant and the tank is sparkling. There’s something quite therapeutic about the gentle hum of the air pump in the corner.

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