The DMMU at Wittersham

Back at the railway for the last time until the end of June. We’re on holiday next week on a narrowboat on the Llangollen Arm of the Shropshire Union Canal. We’re picking up a boat at Ellesmere and cruising east this time. Last year we went west towards Llangollen.

The DMMU was an extra service, a special train to say thank you to a large band of volunteers who had spent hours cleaning the outside of the carriages. You can get an idea of their work from the shiny reflections on the carriage sides. Who remembers riding in units like this? I do!

A day which began fraught ended more relaxed. Five separate roadworks created the perfect storm of traffic jams on the way meant the journey took twice as long as usual. There was a fault with the signals which took time to rectify. I was only just ready a few minutes before I needed to accept the first train. There were also long delays early on and a small lineside fire. As I say, the day improved and ended much more calmly.

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