Sunny Birsay (Day 2950)

I was back out to Twatt this morning to finish off the hot water system upgrade. I was just finishing off at lunchtime when the customer uttered the "while you are here" phrase. A problem with the loo meant a trip to town for bits, then back to fit them. The hour spent driving back and forth gave me time to munch lunch.
After sorting the loo, I headed to Birsay to look at another broken loo. The customer said that the flush button had broken and there was nowhere on Orkney that could supply one. I had a quick look, wandered out to the van and returned with the correct flush button. The customer was delighted.
Next on the list, another loo to fix in Evie, then home.
I had been home for five minutes before the customer in Twatt messaged to say there was a problem. Thankfully it was a really quick easy fix and I was home to  my beautiful wife before long.

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