Walking at Warebeth (Day 2951)

Down to Dingieshowe this morning to sort out an immersion element. While I was waiting for the cylinder to drain down I noticed a bit of pipework which was probably going to burst. The customer agreed I should fix it. I connected it slightly differently from previously, and when the immersion was changed and the cylinder was full it airlocked completely. I harrumphed a lot, chopped it out and re-piped it, which wasn't easy given the amount of room available to work in. Thankfully it worked.
Across to Holm next to have a look at a bathroom job which needs to be done as soon as possible. The customer has accepted my estimate and I will get it done as soon as he has the stuff.
After lunch, a visit to another customer wanting radiators moved and a bathroom replaced.
I stopped off to order tyres for the quad bike on the way home, then realised that inner tubes would be a much cheaper solution to the old tyres leaking air.
A brief stop at home then off to Stromness with my beautiful wife to give the horses a scratch.

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