
By MerlotsDad

New Day - More Rain

Everything is looking so green today it almost dazzles you when you go into the garden. Its actually stopped raining now so I took the opportunity to hop out for a minute or two.

Still resting up hell for leather (if that's possible) trying to get this foot to heal up (pardon the pun) . I should be doing things, other than looking at magazines & (worst of all) tidying my paperwork....yuck ! Still, best to get it done I suppose whilst I can't do anything else.

Peter has gone to Wales for a few days with his kids & so Carol is looking after the chickens & keeping an eye on the house.

Looks like its starting to drizzle again & I had better go & get filing..

Happy days

Incidentally todays picture is of rain drops on the leaf of a Hydrangea that we are training up against the wall under the kitchen window....."sitta" !....."stayyy" !
oh dear I think I'm going slightly mad ...hmmm reminds me of a song.

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