
By MerlotsDad

My New Aquilegia

I bought in some new blood last Autumn as our collection of aquilegias was a bit samey; pinks & blues & blues & pinks. This one is supposed to be black but it isn't really is it ? They are just starting to come out but I notice that something is eating the flowers in the night & this one is now all alone. Its obviously a delicacy for some creature or other.

Its warm today though still cloudy with the threat of rain., the grass is growing fast now & I'm wondering if I ought to get a couple of sheep ha ha.

We are going to Carol's cousin's golden wedding "do" tomorrow so it will be nice to get out....hopefully there will the opportunity of a picture somewhere other than my garden.

Sounds like there is a bit of a gathering next door at number 23 which is very unusual.

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