Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today was a good day. :) Yes, my back and my feet hurt like crazy some times, but still a good day.
A co-worker and I started at the upper field doing what we did most of yesterday: weeding. The bosses had a meeting, so we just got started. While we were there, a blackbird walked on the ground not far from us. He was happy too, singing for himself, and us. I told him he was beautiful, and he continued singing and walking around. 
After the break and putting away our gifted tomato plants, we headed out again. We met my boss on the way out and she thought we looked happy and cheerful. We talked for a bit and I told her I'd done a yoga 'class' (one instructor on youtube) and my back was feeling better. I'm doing that program again and I'm starting to do exercises for my back, so I can strengthen it. Just working with these smaller 'rubber bands' and a larger one I have. The same instructor has a range of different workouts on her channel, and I'm starting slow with standing exercises.
After some time on the upper field, I felt my back protesting (I'd been doing some movements I shouldn't have... ), so I told my boss that I'm changing workplace and going down to weed among the perennials. She thought that really good. 
So I did, and on the way down I took some flower photos and other things we grow, to send to mum. Her eyesight isn't good, so I try to take photos I know she will see. 
I'm starting to feel better, overall, so hopefully I can do some things on the patio during the weekend, before the heat wave. next week

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