Toiling In Top Hat & Tails, London

I love Fridays more than any other day - it's the realisation that it's the last commuting day of the week and that the trains are much less busy so I can relax and feel less stressed.
By lunchtime today it was actually properly hot for the first time this year so when I saw this man, dressed all in black,  in top hat and tails I was rather impressed by his fortitude.
In late news I heard about Boris's "honours" list which included "Dame" Priti Patel and "Sir" William Rees-Mogg. All I can say is that we live in a world where people so unfit to achieve high office have been rewarded for their offensive behaviour. It's beyond parody.
Thought I'd add one wonderful song I heard for the first time today that has the succinct title of  "Just Be Simple" (a motto to live by if there ever was one). Jason Molina died when he was only forty but he has left us with this gorgeous piece of music.

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