The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Unintentional Tricks

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The Prince and I hired bikes this morning. It was all going well for the first 50 m before there was a significant user error with the front brakes and I went right over the handlebars and the bike flipped and landed on top of me!

Embarrassment factor 10/10!

Other than a bruise on my leg, I was absolutely fine and once The Prince had extracted the bike from me, we continued on and had a lovely cycle. The roads are amazing and there are loads of cycle paths.

We came back around lunchtime as Lovely Shuvly was arriving, followed a couple of hours later by Skits. The excitement levels rise every time our group gets bigger. Basher is arriving tomorrow so it will be fever pitch!


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