River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: #30DaysWild - Green Figs

There are 9 figs this year on my little tree in the greenhouse, if I’ve counted correctly!
Wind has moved to southwesterly, quite breezy this morning when I hung the washing out to dry, took a few hours to dry as the air feels moist … 8pm and still no sign of rain :-((
Whilst I was eating breakfast outside, a skein of geese flew over very low with a lot of “honking” to each other … what a way to start the day - shame I was so mesmerised that I didn’t take a photo :-((
Been watching “Whiskey Galore” (2016 version) it’s a favourite of mine!
MrD had a couple of motorbike rides on the island and said it was very warm away from our village …
Watched Mr. Blackbird collecting food on the patch of grass under the fruit trees, MrD has kindly let it grow until we have rain just so the wildlife have a chance of using it for cover and to find food. The adult Song Thrush was also looking for snails and the youngster was hiding near the plant pots behind the garage - do crows see song thrush chicks and eggs as a food source? There was a terrible commotion in our huge sycamore tree, definitely crows/rooks and maybe a thrush trying to hide from them …
I’ve put food out for the hedgehogs but I’m keeping my distance as I scared the little hedgehog last night, it disappeared into the hedge and I felt bad for disturbing it :-(
Happy Weekend to all my family and to friends on Blip and Twitter :-))) XXXX XXX XX
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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