River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: #30DaysWild - The Garden Snail

… which was making its way up our lounge window (on the outside!) until I carefully removed it and placed it under the twisted hazel :-)
There used to be Brian the Snail which The Jones Kids loved on “The Magic Roundabout” when they were little, this may have been an episode they watched : 

There was rain during the night, paths and grass were damp BUT we didn’t get anywhere near enough :-((

After breakfast I transplanted lots of salad seedlings - there were plenty left over to make a very tasty salad to go with this evening’s dinner.
I watched Countryfile this evening and loved every minute of it, haven’t watched it for ages but this is a step in the right direction …
MrD had an afternoon on his motorbike.
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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