
By Hillyblips


Flitting around this damsel rested on a grass leaf, obligingly for a few shots.

Getting out onto the canal bank to try and get a better shot of the rare bird from yesterday proved a bit of a challenge and frankly pointless.

Minding my own business, tripod up, lens on, very quiet on the shore of the water scrape of yesterday I suddenly heard a voice in the bushes behind me...'You're not meant to be here you know!' I jumped out of my skin!! No-one for miles in sight at this point but I apparently was right next to a hide! Well not sure he was meant to be there either and was trying to get rid of me......understandably! He hadn't reckoned on the steady tramp later of twitching footsteps monotonously coming up the tow-path after me!

"Oh it's been sighted at Slimbridge, was the general consensus being put about - well - not my phalarope because in one of my shots blown up on the computer, right in the distance........there it was. We just couldn't see it!

Thinking this is female damselfly as I can't find an equivalent on the net, of a Common Coenagrion - you experts out there might think differently - input here please:))

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