June 10

One of the azaleas near my front door.
It was one of those days, if you didn't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. It was cloudy when I left the house this morning. My first stop was at the Hubbards Farmers Market and there was a rain shower just before I got there. Then it was dry till I got to Bridgewater. Fortunately it stayed dry during my first garden center stop as it was the longest one and most of it was outside. At the second garden center I left my jacket in the truck, it felt like it was going to warm up. While I was in the greenhouse it started raining, and it gets noisy with the rain hitting the plastic. After I paid for my things I had to make a run for it to get back to my truck and I was able to pull it closer to the doors while loading things into the back. By the time I got to my third stop it had stopped raining again. At this point the truck was almost full and I was hoping to pick up a dogwood tree for one of my clients. I had lunch at a local park and took a short walk there to see a few wild flowers. There was not much bird activity so I didn't stay long. 
Over the years I have gotten to know the owner of a small garden center near Mahone Bay. She also has a landscaping business, so we have that in common. Her daughter is taking over the day to day work for the business and G is just doing the design work now. She sells dogwoods and Japanese maples from the same supplier that I go to, so I stopped in to get a dogwood. The guy was just on his way there with some dogwoods, so I was in luck. We ended up sitting there for almost an hour talking. I had to put the tree behind my seat, there was no room in the back for it.
Showers off and on on the way home. It is starting to clear now. Perhaps there will be a nice sunset.
An update on the fire. The remainder of the evacuees were allowed to return home yesterday afternoon. Some people returned home to find that even though their homes are still there, it will be weeks before they can live in them again. It was a warm, sunny day when they were evacuated, so many people left windows open. Those that did returned home to find everything coated in ash and the smell of smoke in their home. Fridges and freezers will need to be replaced because the power was turned off and any food in them will need to be destroyed. Hopefully some of them will be able to get the smell out of their appliances.

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