Pump (disused)

The Minx has designed some banners for her friend's wedding, next weekend, and, as a present, had them printed by the company on the same business park as my office in Kendal.

We went to pick them up, this morning, and then on the way home the Minx dropped me off about four and half miles from Kirkby Lonsdale so that I could have a run back.

It was a lovely, sunny day, and clearly going to be hot later, but at that time of the morning it was still cool enough to run.

I've noticed this pump in Old Town many times as I've driven through the hamlet, often thinking I might photograph it one day. And that day turned out to be today, as the sunlight was illuminating it beautifully. (Tucked away in that alcove, it's often in shadow even when the sun is out.)

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