River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: #30DaysWild - Seagull …

… if anyone can tell me which specific type? 
One thing I can tell you is that this poor creature has only one foot - yes, there are 2 legs but it’s missing a foot :-( Didn’t seem too bothered though, it’s been on our garage roof for most of this morning.
I did some family history this morning, which was also thinking time of how to approach yesterday’s “smoke problem” - I’d put a match to assorted papers in the log burner and ended up with a room full of smoke … after a phone call, MrD & I removed a couple of metal plates then gave the wood burner a good clean and the chimney a sweep with MrD’s rods - there was hardly any ash and very little “tar” from burning the logs … sorted :-)
MrD bought some local new potatoes from the stall up the road - £3.50 per kilo for washed, £3 for unwashed.
Whilst I was eating my dinner, which included baby salad leaves, I decided to sow another few trays of seeds for continuity: mixed lettuce, red and green salad bowl lettuce, Durham early cabbage and red cabbage - the cabbage seedlings are a nice addition to salad and some seedlings will be grown on as vegetables.
The rain we had early hours of this morning was very welcome, storms are still around so maybe chance of more rain, fingers crossed :-))
Everything in the garden has been growing in a most extravagant way these last few weeks, the roses especially so … there’s an extra photo of the yellow roses near MrD’s van on our road - he says it’s because the ground is so dry and they’re afraid of dying!
I started watch “Supernova” on iPlayer, 2 of my favourite actors and a very touching story … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova_(2020_film) 
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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