River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: #30DaysWild - Wild Strawberries …

… or they could be Alpine strawberries, both types have been planted in this part of the garden and they are forever sending out runners in all directions and gradually taking over, the fruit are very sweet and tasty!
Today’s gardening job was to clear part of the deep bed behind the greenhouse, the honesty - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3095786999353706477 - has finished flowering and set seeds “moon pennies” which I’ve cut down to the ground saving as many stems with seeds as possible, everything else is in the compost bin.
I was so surprised that the soil in the deep bed was bone dry, we had lots of heavy rain late last night and the odd rumbling of thunder - all the pots were well watered.
I emptied one of the compost bins onto the empty space and planted two of the larger courgette into the fresh compost, watered them and now keeping my fingers crossed that the slugs don’t eat them …
Weather was sunny and temperature in the low twenties all day and felt too hot, I kept to shaded areas.
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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