June 14

One of several jobs we were at today. All small ones and in the same area. We brought 6 properties up to date in 4 hours with 4 of us working. This is a new property this year, but not a new client. I worked for his wife on their property for a few years, then they moved. A couple of years ago he contacted me about cleaning up a garden at a building he owns here in Dartmouth. We have been working on that and have it under control now. This year he asked me to start working on this property too. 
There was a large rhododendron in this corner along with this ornamental cherry. The rhododendron extended out over the sidewalk so we removed it, and I said we would plant annuals here to give a good splash of color all summer. The office doorway is just to the right of the bed.
It was cooler today with off and on showers. 

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