
By Joyfullife

Imitating Nature

I've been away from my camera since Sunday. One could say I was in a blip funk.
It didn't help that it has rained a lot but I know it didn't keep some of you away from your camera's because of the weather. Sometimes I get rebellious when I feel that I have to do something everyday. Don't worry I still brush my teeth and I know I do blip 'for me'. But I couldn't keep away from you so even if I didn't comment I looked and listened to your blips. I'll catch up on comments tonight as Jeff is out of town AGAIN.

I had to walk to the post office this afternoon so I grabbed Lily and my camera heading out the door. The playful man-made waterfall in the park next door is important to me because it reminds me of my retired profession as a Landscape Architect. I remembered that this park had been featured in my professional journal as an
urban success story. How do you get water to fall over rocks to mimic a gentle waterfall?
I remembered my working days when I was out in the field overseeing my design installations of man-made stream beds. It was a nightmare for the young contractors laying the rocks and stones when they saw me coming to inspect the their progress. Many a stone had to be unturned, replaced relocated. How do I teach them? I would encourage the young contractors to go look at a stream and observe how the rocks were strewn about in nature. Do they look like pearls on a string or like a bunch of jellybeans? Nature is the designer and we are the students. Just reminiscing.

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