River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: #30DaysWild - Wildlife Refreshment Area

… in the shade of the maple, sheltered by our boundary fence with lots of pots, plants and shrubbery to help the birds feel secure from predators! I’ve added a large plastic saucer filled with water - many more scattered around all our bits of garden. 
The birds like scratching around searching for food here, lots of earthworms and other bugs hide under fallen leaves and dead plants which I leave as ground cover over the garden.
MrD had a motorbike ride in the mountains but came back saying it’s far too hot in his motorbike clothes :-((
I found another half dozen children for a close relative on my Lincolnshire side - he had caused me lots of problems by marrying two women called Ellen but found a few birth records for some of the children with mother’s surname “Janney” then it got easier …
Have added an extra photo of this year’s crop of garlic which is drying nicely and will be used in the kitchen over the coming months.
Very hot and dry, rain forecast for the weekend - fingers crossed X
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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