
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 73/91
Main activity: Fri - Whole Foods #2, cloudy/rain
Notes: Up before 7a, worked on Jo's site a bit and enjoyed cloudy morning. Checked weather again for Jax and saw quite a bit of rain and flooding so emailed Joe. He called around 9a and said he was reaching out but didn't look like there was any way to go (glad I held off on the packing this time). Headed back to Whole Foods then at 10a since I had the whole day - even tho I was pissed yesterday (called first today). Went for the sale on Bragg's EVOO, grabbed 2 and found some things I can use and some new things to try. Forgot to get any pic while I was out but these chickpea pizza crusts looked interesting. Talked to Mic while she was driving VA to NC - her friend uses these crusts and quite likes them for a GF option. Went to the pool - more afternoon clouds and good breezes. A little after 4p, big storms rolled thru, loudest thunder I've heard yet since moving here in mid-January (love it!). Worked on Jo's site more then early evening. Got an interesting email about watching a dog thru the day M-Th for a relative of a neighbor who works nearby in a dental office. 

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