
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 76/94
Main activity: Sun - beach walk, around the house
Notes: Groggy and stiff rolling out of bed ~7a. Texted Ellen and we decided to go to Pass-A-Grille @8a for a Sun morn beach walk (the Shainer's being refurbished has the start of a mural) - was really nice but we're both sore and so tired still. Sat a little at the end and watched some dolphins before heading back. Late coffee then laid down ~11a, did a meditation and then napped some until almost 1p, did not want to wake up. Made eggs w/ zucchini, arugula salad and toast. Talked to Dad for Father's Day just before 3p and then put my TJs beets in the oven for roasting and boiled a batch of eggs. Heard from El just before 5p and went over, we carried her pedal/paddle board down to South Dock and both were on it for a loop around - was great! Shower and relaxing then for rest of the night.

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