6am in Plymouth

I’m in my son and dil’s bathroom, getting ready for an early departure. I think it’s rather swanky.
Drove to West Cornwall to look after my cousin - who has dementia - for a few days so that his partner can have a little holiday. After lunch we went to a Memory Cafe he attends.  It was certainly friendly and welcoming. I was a bit disheartened to learn there were some drama students coming to perform songs from World War 1 - my nightmare is that if I ever need to be in a care home that this kind of performance will happen - as if older people in the 2020’s have any connection with WW2 let alone 1. If school students want to sing me songs, let it be the Clash, or Eminem, or Stormzy - please:). Anyhow, it turned out they had been putting on Oh What a Lovely War in Truro, and they performed excerpts from that - which was a wholly different thing. Being an anti-war musical and film. 
I chatted to a few people there, and was a bit shocked to learn that the man I was sitting opposite was born the same year as me. At the end a woman I took to be a physiotherapist did a session of exercises to do while sitting in your chair - which was fantastic- really enjoyed joining in. Overall I thought it was an excellent resource - at no point was it patronising, and in fact you couldn’t really make a distinction between ‘helpers’ and ‘helped’. It seemed everyone but the physio had a foot in both camps. A really positive experience. My cousin has clearly made some warm friendships there. 
In the evening we toyed with the idea of driving up to the north coast to watch the sunset (9.33) but I had to confess I was too tired. An early start, travelling, doing all the cooking and washing up, but above all talking all day, I was worn out.  I actually fell asleep while J was talking to me, luckily he laughed and was not offended:-))

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