New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Beauly Abbey

Its Sunday, we're on holiday so had a bit of a lazy one.  Had a wander round the nearest town of Beauly, discussed wether it was pronounced 'Bew-ley' or 'Bow-ley' and sneezed a heck of a lot.  The pollen really seems to be doing a number on me here.  Beauly has it's own ruined abbey, plus a sweet wee deli where we got some provisions for the week and a rather good lunch.

That didn't take up too much time, so we drove out to Dingwall which had the nearest supermarket in a place we hadn't been to yet.  The cloud had cleared by the time we got there and the sun was roasting and I was still sneezing, so we headed back to the cottage for an evening of chilling out and scrabble.

A thunderstorm came in early evening and the cottage is a great spot for just sitting and watching the weather.  The calfs in the field all jumped and ran at the first thunderbolt!  They were super cute.

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