New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Glen Affric

According to the forecast, today was going to be the coolest day of the week.  I really wanted to explore Glen Affric, and neither of us really fancied getting up into the hills in the heat, so we stuck to the lower trails.  Normally we'd have done the full loop around loch Affric, but storms were due at some point, so we can a wee wander up the side of the loch then checked out some of the tourist trails for the rest of the day. 

The Glen Affric lodge looks like a pretty amazing place to stay, also one of those places where if you need to ask how much it costs you can't afford it... But we enjoyed watching the deer cool off in the loch, saw our first adder (we think a young female) basking on the path and saw signs that there were plenty of slow worms about too.  Blip is from the viewpoint above the falls of the dog overlooking Loch Beinn a'Mheadhain, just one of many incredible views we saw today. 

En route home we stopped off at the Spar where I purchased a can of tropical Irn Bru, just to see what it tasted like. I might regret that later.  We caught the storm just as we were driving back up the valley to the cottage which made for some interesting driving with the windscreen wipers going full-pelt , but we got back safe and sound so all was well.

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