secret garden

By freespiral

A necklace of jellies

A Jellyfish
Visible, invisible,
A fluctuating charm,
An amber-colored amethyst
Inhabits it; your arm
Approaches, and
It opens and
It closes;
You have meant
To catch it,
And it shrivels;
You abandon
Your intent—
It opens, and it
Closes and you
Reach for it—
The blue
Surrounding it
Grows cloudy, and
It floats away
From you
Marianne Moore
There were hundreds of these blighters down on Kitchen Cove today - the mauvy ones are common jellies and apparently don't sting; the brownish one is a compass jelly and does. We decided a swim here was not on. I later went to Sunny Cove where there were only one or two lurking and the water was clear enough for a splash around.
Hot and muggy with some torrential downpours today. There have been flash floods and two lifeguards were struck by lightening in Kerry. 

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