Better Day

Another disturbed night and catching up with sleep but No.1 was feeling brighter so we planned a trip out.  Contemplated a NT but we have visited most in Kent and didn’t want to drive too far.  We decided to visit historic Rochester and enjoyed a wander and a delicious lunch in a lovely cafe with great food and service.  (Cafe Nucleus - part charity/commercial enterprise following the death of somebody Halpern - famous architect).  We wandered and saw the castle and cathedral and bought S a birthday present.

Home via MIL and neither of us were ‘feeling it’ - duty visit and we both came away wondering why we bothered,  strange lady.  I could put it down to age (89) except she has never really been any different.  

We sat in the garden while No.1 sorted out her new iPad and then had a very late supper followed by an episode of Queer Eye.

Better day.

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