By lizzie_birkett

Nice to be Home!

I was 2 hours late getting home last night as my connection from Carisle to Hellifield was cancelled for some unknown reason.
So I bought the Guardian and went to the Station bar and had a delicious falafel and roasted pepper panini and a cider to pass the time.
I found 2 struggling bees yesterday, one on Airdrie station platform and one on Carlisle platform. I found flower tubs on both platforms and relocated the bees there and they immediately made their way inside the flowers to the pollen. Saved I hope!
On my return I was greeted by Frank and Bella who could hardly contain herself she was so excited to see me, the passengers still on the train watched with smiles and laughter!
There were cards and pressies waiting for me as I was away on my Birthday. The card in the extra is from my friend Alison and just look - a Bella lookalike! Thanks Alison I will be writing to you. ;-)
When I saw the garden I couldn’t believe how the roses had come on in one week!
I’ve had to cut some other plants back that I unwisely planted last year or the year before.
I didn’t know how big and floppy Honesty can get. In Autumn I will dig it up and pass it on to someone with a big garden. Maybe one or two other plants too.

Tea time now then a bit of telly.
Hope you’ve all had a day as good as it could be!

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