By lizzie_birkett

He’s Home!

Thank heavens!
Anna came down from Moniaive, Dumfries today to collect her Dad and bring him home. She was singing https://youtu.be/I_izvAbhExY?si=q212PtB9yyOvK2Md ;-D))
We had to wait until 5 pm on the ward for his prescription and discharge letter so my planned meal wasn’t to be, we got chips on the way home instead. We were ravenous.
It is such a relief to have to have him home. 
On his discharge letter it says he also had a pleural effusion which was never mentioned. 
Anyway, no matter we are just going to get on with life now.
Thank you everyone for the lovely messages, stars and hearts, even from those who don’t follow me.
The blip community is so wonderful and very special.
We are knackered so off to bed.
Goodnight ;-)X

Anna found the badges in a quirky shop in Skipton today! :-D

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