By lizzie_birkett

Up do!

it was bedlam here this morning as it often is when they’re all trying to get ready to go to different places. Amelia to the ice rink, Lucy to her Gymnastics competition. Sabrina didn't have time to put Lucy’s hair in a bun so she was whinging and crying. Johnnie got a ‘bun’ tutorial up on his phone and did a perfect one. ‘Better than Mum’s!’ said Lucy.
All was well in the end. 
Sabrina just sent me a message from the ice rink. Amelia’s coach wants her to compete in Copenhagen  next year! She passed her Grade 4 exam in figure skating yesterday.

Melanie has gone back to her flat today she’ll be on her own now - I hope she’ll be OK. She still has a lot to do.
 My train is at 13.34 from Airdrie. Much as I love being here I will be glad to get home for some peace and quiet, the company of Frank and Bella and my own bed!

Thank you all so much for the comments, stars and hearts this week especially on my Birthday.
I haven’t had time for many comments myself but do really appreciate all yours. Soon be back to normal! ;-) X

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