Elderflower Cordial

Today's the day ...................... for a recipe

My turn today to be collecting elderflower heads - not for wine this time, but for elderflower cordial.  Mary Berry has such an easy recipe, so in case you fancy a go, I've put it below.  Then if that works, you can move on to her recipe for elderflower posset .......................! 

1.5kg/3lb 5oz caster sugar
2 lemons
about 25 heads elderflowers
50g/1¾oz citric acid
2 Campden tablets

Put the sugar and 1.5 litre/3lb 5oz water into a large pan. Bring to the boil, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and cool.
Slice the lemons thinly. Put into a large plastic box or a bucket.
Add the elderflower heads to the lemons with the citric acid and the Campden tablets. (CAUTION: Campden tablets produce an irritant gas if inhaled. Keep your face well back from the mixture.) Pour over the cooled sugar syrup. Cover and leave overnight or up to a couple of days.
Sieve and strain through muslin into sterilised bottles and store in the fridge. To serve, dilute to taste with still or sparkling water.

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